Treats @Home with AJ


Halloween 2020

Halloween is life!
Spooky Season is my jam!

And COVID-19 was not about to keep me down

For Social Distanced Halloween 2020 I created videos of spooky snacks to make and share with your kiddos.

Written Instructions + Ingredient lists listed below videos!

Hope you Enjoy!


Ghost Freezer Fruit Pops

These are Fruit + Marshmallow skewer popsicles 
Best for kids 2.5/3+ or younger with supervision

Ingredients List:

Marshmallows - I used Large ones, but you can use small / mini ones

Fruit cut into cubes - Strawberries, Apple, Pineapple, Melon, Grapes, anything you like or have around

12″ Wooden Skewers ( or metal BBQ ones work )

For the drawn on Ghost eyes - Black Food Coloring Markers like this, mini chocolate chips pressed into the marshmallow, or using a black frosting tube with a small piping tip will work 

Prep: Line 1 freezer safe (most are already) cookie sheet with parchment paper 


1. For the marshmallows, use your chosen ghost face method ( marker, frosting, or not )  to draw a ghostly face onto each marshmallow. Let the marshmallows dry for a few minutes

2. Wash and cut your selected fruit into bite-sized pieces.  Add 2 pieces of fruit and then a ghost marshmallow to the skewer.  Repeat the pattern until you are at the top. 

Then stick on parchment paper lined cookie sheet

Stick the cookie tray in the freezer for 15 minutes 


Spooky Coffin Handpies

These are Halloween Pop Tarts
Best for kids 6/7+  or younger kids with lots of help

Ingredients List:

1 Pack - Ready to bake refrigerated pie crust

1 Jar - Seedless Jelly, any flavor


1 Tube White / Decorating Vanilla frosting (optional) 

Coffin cookie cutter - I recommend using this one, but you also can just get a piece of parchment paper and trace a coffin shape for easy tracing with a plastic knife 


1.Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.

2. Sprinkle flour on a cutting board or clean countertop, unroll one pie crust.

3. Use a coffin cookie cutter or trace template to cut coffins from the crust (usually get 12-14)

4. Place the coffins on a cookie sheet or baking stone.

5. With a spoon, add a small amount of jelly into the center of the pie crust as shown. Be sure to keep the filling away from the pastry edges so your pop tarts don’t leak in the oven.

6. Place the remaining coffin pieces on top of the jelly.

7. Use the ends of a fork to seal the edges of each coffin.

8. Poke holes the top of your coffins with the fork tines so steam can escape (and they don’t end up big and puffy).

9. Bake in a 350 degree oven for 20-25 minutes or until slightly brown.

10. Remove from the oven and allow to cool completely.

11. If you elected for the tube of frosting - take the frosting Tube and Pipe  designs of your choice with vanilla frosting.
