The People Within are What Drive us Forward

You can get to know them here


I’m AJ! Short for Amanda joy (if you were wondering)

Who am I? The Original TumTum?

Joyful aka the.Joyface. NO, really the smile is uncontrollable and I wear it like a badge of honor. No matter what goes on around me, I have found ways to live, breathe, and share joy in-spite of difficulty.

I won’t dive into the pandoras box of what it took for me to get here, to this moment. It has been a lot. More than I think some people could survive. One day I will write it all down… and I hope you are here for me to share it with.

till then…

Just know long before TumTumTreats, I grew up in The Bay Area, California with a wide range of experiences, including a love for underground hiphop and dance. I got sober shortly before turning 23, Moved to Portland, Oregon to attend Portland State University when I was 28, Became a Published Scholar at 30, and now at 36 have TumTumTreats!

So…who am I, in the world of TTT (TumTumTreats)?

I own this beast! It is my Creative brain Child. My Joyful place, that I SHOWCASE and SHARE with anyone I can!

As you meet me through the box created for you,

I hope you will see me as a mirror.
A mirror to who you are… and to who you will grow into!
Connect within

Thank you for letting me be part of your experience. I am grateful to be here.

While we do not have any other
employed currently
We hope to
speak in 3rd person to
manifest the joyful forces that will join us

There are also a ton of people who have inspired and encouraged us along the way! WE thank them too!!

“Life is a lot like an accumulation of crumbs, some are the result of really tasty treats, and some come from things we don't want to try again; but we cannot deny that they both make the whole experience...”

— Ali McQ. (Our Favorite Designer)